Enumeration of offences for protection of wild animals and birds as specified in the Third Schedule of the National Conservation and Environment Protection Act.
Any person who:
- Willfully kills, wounds or takes any wild animal or wild bird specified in the Third Schedule;
- Takes, removes, injures or destroys any nest or egg of a wild bird specified in the Third Schedule;
- Exposes for sale, or knowingly has in possession, any wild animal or wild bird specified in the Third Schedule, or any part of such animal or bird, taken, wounded or killed in Saint Christopher and Nevis after the commencement of this Act; 22 Cap 11.03 National Conservation and Environment Protection Act Laws of Saint Christopher and Nevis Revision Date: 31 Dec 2009
- Exports or attempts to export the skin or plummage of any wild animal or wild bird taken, wounded or killed, or the nest or eggs of any such animal or bird taken from Saint Christopher and Nevis after the commencement of this Act in relation to wild animals or wild birds specified in the Third Schedule; commits an offence under this Act.